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Product Support and How to?
FAQ and instructions on how to get specific tasks done in LeanLaw
How To Set Up LeanLaw's Email ServiceLearn how to enable LeanLaw's email service for more control over your email's appearance and faster electronic payments
Configuring Payment AllocationSet the firm-wide, user-specific, and matter-specific allocation for your compensation reports
How To Set and Fix Your Firm's Trust PayeeAssigning the payee for trust payment checks; troubleshooting trust payment errors
Managing Your LeanLaw SubscriptionManaging Your Plan, Updating Billing Information, and Reviewing Invoices in LeanLaw
Fixing Broken Connections with QuickBooks Online ValidationHave a disconnected client or matter? Here's how to troubleshoot your QuickBooks Online connections!
Assigning a ReviewerHow to enable the Reviewer feature, designate a user as a matter's Reviewer, and use Reviewer.
How to Use Block BillingType your time inside brackets to automatically adjust a time entry’s hours
Getting Paid Using Lean Align and LeanLaw Payments: DIY CompilationThe essential steps to get started with Lean Align, and specially LeanLaw Payments
How to Archive and Reactivate MattersArchive past matters to declutter your LeanLaw account or reactivate archived matters as needed.
How to: Setup and Customize Your Invoice PresentationShaping your Firm's invoices to fit just right!
How To Mark Expenses as Billed Without Billing ThemFind out how to mark expenses as billed without billing them.
How Do I Set the Firm's Default Invoice Date? [FAQ]The Invoice Date appears on your invoices and determines the due date of the invoice. This is how to change it.
Snippets and Short CodesSave your commonly used paragraphs and sentence fragments to be instantly pasted into time entries, expenses, and fixed fees
How to Duplicate a Time EntrySave time when recording similar or identical activities through duplication
Editing Client InformationUnderstanding the fields on the Client Information page and how to edit them
Reports OverviewA comprehensive list of the reports LeanLaw offers
How to Track PTOTrack vacations and more by using the Internal rate
Reports: WIP, Billed, CollectedUnderstanding the report that looks at overall performance in a given time period
Mobile FAQFrequently asked questions about our mobile app conveniently answered in one place
Using the Custom CheckboxAdd a custom checkbox to your time entries and expenses for more data tracking
How to Create an Expense in LeanLawHave an expense to record? Here's how it's done!
Equitrac IntegrationHow to export your LeanLaw matter list to Equitrac and import Equitrac expenses to LeanLaw
How to Split Fixed Fee Revenue Between UsersMultiple attorneys working on a fixed fee matter? Here's how to allocate the revenue to your associates
Compensation Tracking SettingsGetting the most out of your reports
Using DistributionsCreating, assigning, and reporting distributions to compensate your attorneys
Using Write-DownsAdjustments, write-downs, and write-offs; change your hours billed while tracking hours worked for better reports
How to Use Custom Fields in ReportsCustom Fields in Reports
Managing and Customizing User Roles and Permissions in LeanLawThis comprehensive guide will help you understand how to add new users, change roles, and adjust permissions.
Using the Compensation (Revenue by Attorney) ReportUnderstanding allocation details, uses for the report, and where to find it
Expenses Page in LeanLawViewing, filtering, and creating expenses
Custom FieldsCustom Fields Allow You to Map Fields in LeanLaw to Fields in QuickBooks Online
How to View Aged Receivables in Lean LawGetting a snapshot of the funds that are outstanding and due to you by your clients
Downloading and Backing Up Your LeanLaw DataEasily back up your clients, matters, and more with LeanLaw's download feature.
How To: “CC” Invoices to Responsible AttorneyHow to set up a copy of an invoice to be cc'd to the responsible attorney.
How To: Change the invoice date after the invoice was approved and sent to QuickBooks OnlineChange the invoice date after the invoice has been approved.
How to Apply Credits to an InvoiceLearn to effectively apply credit memos, manage auto-applied credits, and use delayed credits in LeanLaw.
How to Use Evergreen Trust RetainersHow to set up evergreen retainers which is a minimum amount required for each client [Pro]
Manage QuickBooks Online InvoicesInvoice functions include: Print/Email, Download LEDES files, Record Payment, and Pay from Trust.
How to Set and Adjust RatesHow to set different bill rates for different types of work performed by the same attorney
How To: Batch Send/Print Invoices from LeanLawA new feature that allows you to tag a client's invoicing preference and then use batch functions from LeanLaw to email or print invoices
How To: Create a Work in Progress (WIP) Report in LeanLawHow Work in Progress (WIP) work in LeanLaw
Revenue ReportsRevenue by client and by users, including allocation for originators
How to Set an Originating AttorneyAssign an originating attorney to matters for revenue allocation.
How To: Export Expenses from LeanLaw
Set Up Expense Sync with QuickBooks OnlineIntegrating LeanLaw with your QuickBooks accounts and product/service configurations
How To Bill Expenses from QuickBooks Online in LeanLawAn overview of the expense workflow between LeanLaw and QuickBooks
QuickBooks Class TrackingHow to enable class tracking, options for setting class based on time keeper or responsible attorney
How To: Delete Entries, Expenses, and FeesRemoving unwanted entries from a draft or invoice
How To: Disburse Funds from TrustPaying funds out of a Trust Account, via QuickBooks Online
Time Review and Bulk EntryAn overview of the Time Entry tab including how to use the bulk time entry features
How To: Generate Invoice Numbers in QuickBooks OnlineUsing QuickBooks Online to create invoice numbers
How To: Add interest for late payment of an old invoice on a new invoiceIncluding interest for unpaid bills in current invoices
How To: Mark Time Entries as Billed (Clear)Removing Non-Billable entries from your Billing tab
How To: Change Your Firm's Billing Address
Team SettingsGetting your Team setup in LeanLaw
Lean Insights OverviewUnlock valuable insights with LeanLaw's advanced reports suite. Measure performance and make informed decisions effortlessly.
Setting Up Invoice Reminders in LeanLawDive into settings, personalize your reminders, and effortlessly track invoice statuses.
How to Create a Payment Plan for Outstanding InvoicesGuide on setting up recurring payments in Gravity Legal & recording them in LeanLaw. Streamline billing and recoup outstanding invoices
Setting your LeanLaw HomepageLearn how to set your default homepage when logging into LeanLaw
Expense AttachmentsIntroduction to LeanLaw's Expense Attachment Feature
Invoice Email Account SummaryUnderstanding the functionality of the account summary included in an invoice email
LeanLaw API: Introduction and ReferenceA quick, secure way to transfer data to and from your firm's account in LeanLaw
The 9 "states" of Emails sent through LeanLawSending emails via LeanLaw empowers you with instantaneous tracking and status updates on every email you send.
Introducing LeanLaw's Enhanced Fixed Fee FunctionalityAn overview of fixed fee (or flat fee) enhancements in the LeanLaw platform.
How to Fix QuickBooks Error: "The Name Supplied Already Exists"Error occurs when sending an invoice from LeanLaw to QuickBooks: The client/matter name already exists in QuickBooks, causing a sync issue
Fixing the "Must Either Select or Create an Account" Error in LeanLawThis error means the Default QuickBooks Services field is empty. Fill it in LeanLaw’s expense settings to enable QuickBooks sync.
How to Fix QuickBooks Error: "Validation Exception was thrown, Details: Invalid Reference Id: Product/Service assigned to this transaction has been deleted."
How to Create a Fixed Fee Template in LeanLawFixed Fee Templates help streamline billing by standardizing fees across your firm. Follow these steps to create a Fixed Fee Template.
Understanding Key Fields when creating a Fixed FeeWhen setting up a Fixed Fee in LeanLaw, it is essential to understand the various fields available.
Understanding Support Requests: How LeanLaw Support Assists YouHere’s what you need to know about how customer tickets work and what to expect when you contact LeanLaw Support.
How to Fix QuickBooks Error "Trust accounting requires the client to be connected to a QuickBooks customer"
How to Fix QuickBooks Error: "You cannot enter more than 100 characters in the billing_email field.""Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Business Validation Error: You cannot enter more than 100 characters in the billing_email field."
How to Fix QuickBooks Error: “Validation Exception was thrown.Details:The account period has closed and the account books cannot be updated through through the QBO Services API. Please use the QBO website to make these changes.."
How to Fix QuickBooks Error:Validation Exception was thrown.Details:QueryParserError: Invalid content.
Calendar Page in LeanLawDiscover how to navigate and utilize the Calendar Page in LeanLaw
What is Desktop Tracker and How Do I Install It?How to Install Desktop Tracker
How To: Enter Time in the Calendar ViewTracking your time in LeanLaw
How To: Track Time with LeanLaw Desktop TrackerTimers and desktop time tracking. Works with PC and MAC.
Time Entries Page in LeanLawThis article will cover the functionalities of Time Entries Page in LeanLaw
How do I Remove an Unbilled Fixed Fee? [FAQ]Delete a matter's unbilled Fixed Fee from Ready to Bill
How to Change Time Entry RoundingOptimize and activate enforced rounding for streamlined accuracy and efficiency.
Lean Insights: Insights View on Time Entries pageLearn about the Insights View on the Time Entries page
How To: Fix Trust Accounting when Liability is DisconnectedReconnecting the liability account for a Client or Matter with Trust
How To: Add Custom Fields to a MatterSetting up Custom Matter Field Names for your Matters
How to Bill Contingency MattersTrack time and expenses for contingency matters, pay yourself and your client's settlement.
How do I Set Up and Use Practice Areas?Practice Areas allow you to differentiate between the types of services provided.
How To: delete a Client and Matter with attached Trust Account? [FAQ]Deleting a Client or Matter with deposited funds in Trust.
How Do I Add a User to all Matters for a Client? [FAQ]Learn how to add a user to all matters for a client, via LeanLaw
How To Archive a ClientArchive inactive clients to help optimize LeanLaw.
How Do I Delete a Client or Matter?Deleting unengaged clients or matters can help optimize your firm's client management.
How to Change the "Responsible Attorney" on a MatterA step-by-step guide to reassigning responsible attorney on a matter
Matter Billing TypesLeanLaw supports a variety of ways to bill a matter: Hourly, Contingency, Fixed Fee, Pro Bono, and Internal.
Workflow: Clients charged fixed fees monthly, evaluated QuarterlySpecialized workflow
How To: Run a Conflict CheckTypically involves examining the clients and matters to determine whether the the firm has represented adverse parties before
How to Create Clients and MattersFirst steps in LeanLaw: creating a client and matter
How To: Enter an Opening A/R Balance for a Client or MatterTracking prior balances in LeanLaw
How Do I Set the Default QuickBooks Service for Invoices?Set the service to which your time entries and fixed fees will be assigned in QuickBooks.
Recording Trust Deposits from QuickBooks OnlineHow to properly record trust deposits in LeanLaw when syncing QuickBooks Online with your bank.
How LeanLaw Handles Expenses via QuickBooks OnlineWhere do expenses travel, and where do they end up?
How Do I Retrieve an Invoice Deleted from QuickBooks OnlineThis article explains how to handle retrieving and releasing time entries when an invoice has been deleted in QuickBooks Online.
Can I add Payment Instructions to an Invoice? [FAQ]How to add a note to an invoice
What does the color of my Due Date indicate on my invoice in QuickBooks Online? [FAQ]QuickBooks Online Due Date color meanings
How Do I Write-Off Bad Debt?Learn how to write-off a client's bad debt in QuickBooks Online.
Handling Vendor Refunds on Reimbursable Client Expenses in QuickBooks
How to Update Historical Transactions from “Gravity” to “Confido” in QuickBooks OnlineMerge Gravity Legal to Confido Payments in QuickBooks: Rename ‘Gravity’ to ‘Confido’ in Payment Methods.
Using Undeposited Funds in QuickBooks OnlineThis complete guide to using undeposited funds in QuickBooks Online explains how to manage payments and record deposits effectively.
How to Match and Categorize Bank Feeds in QuickBooks OnlineMaster the process of matching and categorizing bank feeds in QuickBooks Online with this clear, step-by-step guide.
Make changes to Fixed Fees before including them on an invoiceHow to edit or delete a Fixed Fee item created in LeanLaw
How To: Customize Invoices to Add Matter Name, Reference Numbers, and other Custom FieldsAdding custom fields to your invoices
How To: Make Changes to a Paid InvoiceInvoices marked as paid take additional steps to undo and correctly make changes to
How do I Adjust Default Payment Terms for Invoices? [FAQ]Learn how to change the default payment date for invoices, via QuickBooks Online.
How to Undo an Invoice from QuickBooks OnlineBringing invoices back to LeanLaw, in order to correct mistakes.
How To: Combine InvoicesCombining two pre-made invoices into a single invoice.
How To: Discount InvoicesDiscounting items on your invoice in both LeanLaw and QuickBooks Online
Emailing, Printing, and Downloading InvoicesEmailing, Printing, and Downloading invoices from LeanLaw
Including Sales Tax in InvoicesHow to add sales tax to your invoices: Automated Sales Tax (US only), US sales tax, and non-US sales tax.
Invoice ExamplesSome examples of how invoices can look using LeanLaw and QuickBooks
LEDES Billing with LeanLawUnderstanding and using LEDES
How To Copy a Payment LinkEasily access & share individual invoice payment links directly from LeanLaw. Streamline phone payments & custom email invoicing.
How to Design and Personalize an Invoice Template in LeanLaw.Learn about LeanLaw's Invoice Templates!
LeanLaw's Account SummaryUnderstand balances, payments, credits, and charges for clear financial insights.
Billing Workflow in LeanLaw: A Clear GuideLeanLaw’s billing workflow is designed to help law firms efficiently manage invoicing while offering flexibility to suit your needs. Learn how to set up your workflow here!
Completion Based Fixed Fees
Everything you need to know about Completion Based Fixed Fees
Completion Based Fixed Fee: Smart Legal Billing for Accurate Profitability TrackingCompletion Based Fixed Fee improves billing by ensuring accurate revenue recognition and providing insights for better profitability.
Completion Based Fixed Fees vs Fixed FeesUnderstand the difference between Completion Based Fixed Fees and Fixed Fees in LeanLaw.
Creating a Completion Based Fixed FeeFollow this step-by-step guide to create and manage Completion-Based Fixed Fees in LeanLaw.
Completion Based Fixed Fee FAQExplore common questions related to Completion Based Fixed Fees.
Invoicing with Completion Based Fixed FeesThis guide covers how to generate invoices and handle common scenarios when invoicing with Completion Based Fixed Fees.
How to Create a Time Entry to Track Against a Completion-Based Fixed FeeFollow these steps to create a time entry that can be tracked against a Completion Based Fixed Fee for reporting and invoicing.
Understanding the Fixed Fee Profitability Report in LeanLawThe Fixed Fee Profitability Report in LeanLaw helps law firms analyze the profitability of matters billed under a fixed fee structure.
Understanding LeanLaw Reporting