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How to Create Clients and Matters

First steps in LeanLaw: creating a client and matter

Jay Sanchez avatar
Written by Jay Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Before you can create a time entry or expense, you'll need a client and a matter on file in your LeanLaw.

How to create a client

1. Open the Clients page

Click the button labeled Clients on LeanLaw's navigation bar, at the top of your page. This will bring you to the Clients page.

2. Click Create Client

In the Clients page, click the green Create Client button at the top left of the page. This will open a window labeled Create Client with a client creation form.

3. Input the client's information

Input your client's information into the relevant fields of the Create Client window. If you enter an email address, LeanLaw will be able to email your invoices for you. Physical address information will appear on printed invoices. The Client ID and phone numbers are for your internal use.

4. Click Create Client

When you've entered all of your client's information, click the green Create Client button at the bottom of the window.

You now have a client to which you can assign matters.

How to create a matter

When you create a client, LeanLaw will automatically open a matter creation prompt for you. The below steps will guide you on how to add new matters to an already created client.

1. Open the Matters page

Click the button labeled Matters on LeanLaw's navigation bar, at the top of your page. This will bring you to the Matters page.

2. Click Create Matter

In the Matters page, click the green Create Matter button at the top left of the page. This will open a window labeled Create Matter with a matter creation form.

3. Input the matter's information

In the Create Matter window, enter the information for this matter by clicking each dropdown and assigning the relevant information. Be sure to hover your cursor over any blue and white question marks for helpful tips! Even more tips:

  • Responsible refers to the attorney overseeing the matter, sometimes also called the billing attorney.

  • Originating refers to the attorney(s) who brought the matter into the firm--LeanLaw will assign a percentage of the matter's compensation to originating attorney(s) based on the origination value you designate in your Reports Settings. Originating is an optional setting which many firms don't use.

  • Practice areas, such as family law, corporate law, etc. can be created in your firm's Practice Area Settings.

4. Click Create

Click the green Create button at the bottom of the window to save your matter.

You now have a matter assigned to a client which you can use to create time entries, expenses, fixed fees, and more!

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