You may want to remove an expense from Ready to Bill but keep it for reporting purposes. These expenses are not sent on bills but can be tracked so you know how much you are spending on those cases. Using the Mark as Billed feature will set the status to "Billed," which will keep it from being invoiced. It will still show as a billable expense in reports. Read on to find out more.
Mark Expenses as Billed
1. Click Expenses
The Expenses tab is found on LeanLaw's main navigation bar. Click on it to view all recorded expenses in a list layout.
2. Open the expense
Click on the individual expense you wish to mark billed to open the Edit Expense form.
3. Click the Gear Icon
In the upper right-hand corner of the form, click the gear icon.
4. Select Mark as Billed
Then click OK on the confirmation screen.
You will now see the expense marked as billed on the Expenses page.
The expense will no longer show in Ready to Bill. It will still be included under Billable Expenses, but not under WIP, Billed, or Collected Expenses in reports.
Find Expenses Marked as Billed
You may want to pull a report showing all the expenses your firm has marked as billed.
1. Click Expenses
The Expenses tab is found on LeanLaw's main navigation bar. Click on it to view all recorded expenses in a list layout.
2. Set the Show Billed filter to Not Billed
This will filter the expenses shown to be those that have not been billed to a client. This includes those which have been marked as billed.
3. Click Billed to sort the expenses
The expenses that are marked as billed will show "Yes" under the Billed column.
Now you can export a spreadsheet of all the expenses marked as billed in your firm for tracking purposes.