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How To: Discount Invoices

Discounting items on your invoice in both LeanLaw and QuickBooks Online

Jay Sanchez avatar
Written by Jay Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

No-charge on Time Entries: In LeanLaw, when creating or editing a time entry, you have the choice between Billable or Non-Billable. Flipping the entry to Non-Billable will still track the time, but won't charge the client. 

Discount the Invoice: QuickBooks Online
In QuickBooks, you can show discount (percent or $ value) after subtotal. 

You will first need to change discount setting on under Sales form content. 

  • From the homepage screen, go the company gear (located top upper corner)

  • Select Company Settings

  • Select Sales under Settings

  • Select Discount ON under Sales form content heading

To discount individual line items in your QuickBooks Invoice, follow the guide posted here.

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