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Import Data Fields

A detailed list of which fields are used for importing data into LeanLaw

Fred Willerup avatar
Written by Fred Willerup
Updated over a week ago


  • Id/Number

  • Display Name

  • Company Name

  • Contact Title

  • Contact First Name

  • Contact Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Cell

  • Other Phone

  • Address (multiple lines separated with newline)

  • City

  • State

  • Zip

  • Country

(*) Either Company Name or Contact First/Last Name or Display Name are required. Everything else is optional.


  • Id/Number

  • Client Id (either the id/number or the display name identifying which client)

  • Name (required)

  • Notes/Description

  • Date Opened 

  • Practice Area

  • Billing Type (hourly, internal, fixed fee, pro bono)

  • Responsible Attorney

  • Originating Attorney

  • Active (yes/no)

Time Entry

  • Matter Id/Number

  • Date

  • Hours

  • (Start Time)

  • Description

  • User

  • Billable (yes/no)

  • Rate (optional)


  • Matter Id/Number

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Description

  • User (optional)

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