The data dictionary listed below is for the LeanLaw-Prod - InvoicePayments v1 dataset available as part of the LeanInsights custom reporting solution. The InvoicePayments dataset contains information about invoices (or bills) and payments (or collections) combined to allow users to build reports based on that data. This data dictionary lists the field name, the type of data, and a description of what the data point is to allow users to easily determine how they should use the data.
Data Point | Type of Data | Definition |
CompanyId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier for a company (firm); used to permission data |
InvoiceId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier for an invoice |
Invoice Status | String | Current status of the invoice; values include Approved, Closed, Deleted, Draft, Open, Review |
QuickBooksId | String | QuickBooks unique identifier for the invoice |
Invoice Number | String | Number assigned to the invoice to allow for the identification of invoices |
Invoiced Amount | Decimal | Dollar amount billed for an invoice; accounts for any adjustments made in QuickBooks after submission (can include adjustments for tax, discounts, manual charges, etc.) |
Balance | Decimal | Current outstanding amount for the invoice |
Outstanding Percentage | Decimal | Percentage of the invoice amount that is outstanding (represented as a number between 0 and 1) |
Paid Percentage | Decimal | Percentage of the invoice amount that has been paid (represented as a number between 0 and 1) |
Invoice Date | Date | Date of the invoice |
Invoice Delivery Status | String | Status of the invoice; values include Unknown, ToEmail, Emailed, ToPrint, Printed, Emailing, EmailFailed |
PaymentId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier for a specific payment |
Payment QuickBooksId | String | QuickBooks unique identifier for the payment |
Paid Amount | Decimal | Dollar amount of payment received |
Payment Date | Date | Date on which the payment was received |
InvoicePaymentId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier that ties a payment to an invoice |
Distribution Status | String | Current status of distribution; values include draft and distributed |
ClientId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier for a company's client; used to uniquely identify clients |
Client Name | String | Name of the client |
Client Label | String | The client number and client name combined; if no client number is present then the value will reflect the client name alone |
Client Display Name | String | The display name of the client populated upon client set up |
MatterId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier for a company's matter; used to uniquely identify matters |
Matter Name | String | Name of the matter |
Matter Label | String | Combination of matter reference and name of the matter |
Matter Reference | String | Reference number that can be used to track a specific matter, if provided |
Practice Area | String | Practice area associated with the time entry based on firm's designated practice areas |
Matter Opened | Date | Date at which the matter was opened |
UserId | GUID | Internal LeanLaw unique identifier for the responsible attorney; used to uniquely identify a user |
Responsible Attorney FullName | String | Full name of the responsible attorney associated with the invoice |
Responsible Attorney FirstName | String | First name of the responsible attorney associated with the invoice |
Responsible Attorney LastName | String | Last name of the responsible attorney associated with the invoice |
Responsible Attorney Role | String | LeanLaw role of the responsible attorney; values include paralegal, accountant, lead, principal, operators, and timekeeper |
Responsible Attorney Initials | String | Initials of the responsible attorney associated with the invoice |
Summarized Invoiced Amount | Decimal | The dollar amount invoiced, designed for use in summarized items in a dashboard. This field will only show for the first payment amount if there are multiple payments. |
Summarized Balance | Decimal | The outstanding balance of the invoice, designed for use in summarized items in the dashboard. This field will only show for the last payment amount if there are multiple payments. |