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Using the Expenses page

Viewing, filtering, and creating expenses

Jay Sanchez avatar
Written by Jay Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

The following will be covered in this article:

  • Viewing and filtering expenses on the main Expenses Page

  • Creating expense entries

  • Editing and deleting expense entries

  • What user options affect the expense entry screen

Viewing and filtering expenses

When you visit the Expenses page, you'll see a number of filter options on the left side of the page. There are multiple filters to select that include Client, Matter, Show Matters for User, Time Period, Assigned to, Expense Type (including QuickBooks types), and Show Billed. There's also a search bar you can use to search through your expenses based on words in the expenses' descriptions or client and matter names.

LeanLaw designates any expense created in QuickBooks with a green dot to the left of the expense. The QuickBooks version of the expenses can be accessed in the three dots to the right of an expense. If this is not available, the expense has not been submitted via QuickBooks.

In the top right of the screen you will see the Print and Export buttons. You can print a paper copy or save to a .pdf file. The Export button allows you to export the data to .csv file, viewable in Microsoft excel or another spreadsheet program.

Creating Expense Entries

From the Expenses page, you can create an Expense by selecting the green Add Expense button on the top right of the page. This will pull up the Add Expense window. You will see the option for a Standard or Advanced.

The required fields to create an expense are Client, Matter, Date, Invoice Description, Amount, and Expense code (if you have LEDES enabled). You can also create an expense with a predefined money value, description, and LEDES code by using the Expense Template. Templates are created in your Firm Settings, on the Expense Templates page.

Editing and Deleting Expenses

You can edit or delete an expense by simply clicking on it in the Expenses page. Edits can be made and submitted by clicking the Save Changes button. From the Edit Expense window, you can also delete by selecting the Delete button at the bottom of the Edit Expense pane.

QuickBooks Online Expense Sync

You can create expenses in QuickBooks Online and have them sync to LeanLaw as long as you've assigned them to a category in the QuickBooks page of your Firm Settings. For more information, view our article on syncing expenses from QuickBooks here.

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