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How to enable LEDES billing; How to enter activity and task codes for time and expenses; How to download invoices in LEDES format

Fred Willerup avatar
Written by Fred Willerup
Updated over a week ago

To activate LEDES for individual clients and matters, it is essential to first enable LEDES within your firm’s settings. This step ensures that the LEDES functionality is available to be customized at more granular levels as needed.

To access the LEDES Billing settings in LeanLaw

  1. Click on the gear (⚙️) icon located at the top right of your LeanLaw interface.

  2. From the left-hand menu, scroll down and select “LEDES” to enter the LEDES Billing section.

LEDES Billing Setup Simplified

Easily configure LEDES Billing in LeanLaw with these straightforward instructions, ensuring seamless management of billing files and codes:

  • LEDES Law Firm ID: Input your firm’s ID here, and it will automatically be assigned to the LAW_FIRM_ID column in all LEDES files generated. This identifier links all files directly to your firm.

  • LEDES Law Firm Tax ID: Essential for the LEDES 2000 format; omit this if you’re using the LEDES 98b format, where it's not required.

  • Default Invoice Description:

    • Automatic Labeling: If this field is left blank, invoices are automatically classified based on their status. Labels used are "Draft," "Interim" (also known as "Approved"), and "Final" (also known as "Open").

    • Custom Labeling: For a specific label across all invoices, input your preferred term here. This setting can be customized for individual matters within the LEDES tab, applicable only for users of the LEDES 98b format.

  • LEDES Code Sets: Select the code sets that will dictate the available codes for time entries and expenses. Default settings activate standard activity codes, expense codes, and litigation task codes.

    • Find the LOC Revised Timekeeper Classification Codes at

Note: If you are in need of a code set that is not listed in the settings page, please reach out to LeanLaw Customer Support at

These settings are crafted to streamline your billing operations, maintaining ease of use while complying with LEDES standards. This structured approach ensures that your billing processes are efficient and easily manageable.

How to enable LEDES billing for a client matter

Once LEDES is enabled for your firm, it can be set up individually for each client. To do this, navigate to the matter and click on the LEDES tab, where you'll find two columns of settings:

  • Client Settings: Adjustments here apply to all matters associated with that client. Changes affect how LEDES settings are configured for all linked matters.

  • Matter Settings: Changes made in this column impact only the specific matter you are currently viewing.

Detailed LEDES Settings Options

  • LEDES Format: Choose the file format for this client, such as LEDES 98b, LEDES 2000, or LEDES LSS (Legal Solutions Suite).

    • LEDES 98b: This format lists "Tax on Expenses" and "Tax on Services" when taxes have been applied to line items in QuickBooks Online. Please note, variable tax codes, such as those commonly used in Canada, are not supported with this format.

  • Required Codes: Marking activity and/or task codes as "required" means time entries or expenses cannot be created for this client unless these codes are included.

  • Default Invoice Description: The INVOICE_DESCRIPTION field is initially set automatically by LeanLaw but can be manually overridden for the client or specific matters.

  • LEDES Client Matter ID: This ID, typically provided by your client, will be included in the LEDES file in the CLIENT_MATTER_ID column.

  • LEDES Law Firm Matter ID: By default, this field contains the matter reference from LeanLaw, or the matter name if no reference exists. You may also provide a custom value here.

This configuration ensures precise control over LEDES settings at both the client and matter levels, facilitating compliance and customization according to specific billing requirements.

Assigning LEDES Codes to time entries and expenses

Once LEDES is activated for a matter, you can add activity and task codes to your time entries. Select the LEDES-enabled matter in your time entry window, then either type to search or pick a code from the dropdown menu.

For expenses, you'll also see LEDES codes to choose from after selecting the LEDES-enabled matter in the "Add Expense" window. This ensures all entries are accurate and comply with LEDES standards.

Want to learn how to add attachments to your LEDES expenses? Check out our Expense Attachments guide.

How to Generate a LEDES File

From a Draft Invoice:

  1. Go to the Billing tab in LeanLaw

  2. Click on the "Drafts" on the left-hand menu

  3. Click on the preferred draft invoice to open it in LeanLaw.

  4. At the bottom of the open draft, click the LEDES button (indicated by a red arrow). This action downloads the LEDES file (marked by a red square) which you can then upload to your client.

A screenshot of a draft invoice with the LEDES button indicated.

From a Finalized Invoice:

  1. Go to the Manage Invoices page in the Billing section of LeanLaw

  2. Click the checkbox to the left of the invoice you would like to download as LEDES

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the dropdown arrow next to "Deliver" to select "LEDES"

  4. This will generate the file and download it using your browser

Note: When an invoice is sent to QuickBooks, the LEDES file is automatically attached. This enables you to email both the invoice and the LEDES file directly to your client, ensuring they receive all necessary documentation together.

A screenshot of an invoice in QuickBooks, indicating the attached LEDES file

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