Expense Workflow for LeanLaw

Booking your Reimbursable Expenses through LeanLaw and QuickBooks Online

Jay Sanchez avatar
Written by Jay Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Recording expenses in the LeanLaw platform is two-part; one part LeanLaw, one part QuickBooks. 

When a fee, item, or certain amount is paid for, the transaction needs to be recorded in QuickBooks. Create a Check by selecting the Gear icon in the top right, then "Check".

Once opened, fill out the necessary information. An example is given below. Make sure not to mark the expense as "Billable", as you will enter that expense into LeanLaw to recoup the reimbursement. 

This new Check increases the necessary Prepaid Expenses asset account (in this example we used an asset account), and is used to account for hard costs. It pairs with Expenses created in LeanLaw to paint a full picture of the accounting footprint. 

The expenses added to LeanLaw will flow to the same prepaid expenses account for reconciliation purposes. The money goes out via QuickBooks, and is recouped via the LeanLaw workflow.

To understand the creation of reimbursable expenses in LeanLaw, check out this article.

Once the invoice containing the LeanLaw expense has been paid, the asset account will equalize, and you're all set!

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